Mindful Floating

bepresentWe forget that we’re floating. We forget that we’re all on this tiny rock in space, floating and circling around this bright hot celestial body in a vast universe.

It’s so hard to do, but just stop for a minute. Stop. Now realize that everything is fragile. All these moments – brilliant, terrifying, uncertain, surprising, loving, despairing and resentful moments – are only temporary.

It feels so good to be present and not worrying about something weird I said yesterday or how I’m going to get everything done tomorrow. I think that’s why I love making things, because it forces me to be present in my action. When my hands are working my mind’s attention is demanded. It’s the only time I’m not haunted by my anxieties that usually rob my feelings of peace and joy.

Living in the moment is such a surprising challenge, but I’m trying to put myself up to the challenge more. I not only feel my best when I’m present, but I want to give others my full presence.

I’m so thankful for all the people who have drifted into my life and been there for me for whatever exchange we’ve had. I weave a bigger web of caring experiences that shape who I am even from the smallest interactions. That’s why we must strive for positive thoughts and action. And be cognizant of who we are, what we do, who we love and how we do things.

I may never reach my super meditative enlightened state but I will try. Because I don’t want to live with paranoia, hate and fear in my heart. I want to learn from and truly see the other life on this crazy rock floating in space.

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